Tom Hardy Movies
If you haven’t realized it yet Tom Hardy is the king midas of blockbusters - Inception, Mad Max, Dark Knight Rises, The Revenant, Dunkirk pretty much anything he is in earns praise if only just for his acting. He is even in a movie with Shia Lebuff that is fresh on RT (Lawless), which is a miracle, and he was in Black Hawk Down, one anyone my ages’ favorite movies from childhood. Below are a few you probably haven’t seen.
The entire movie takes place during one car ride though a series of handsfree phone calls. It’s essentially a BMW commercial but its still engrossing despite Hardy being the only one in the car and the only actor in the film. Few if anyone could pull this off. Great movie to watch on a cross country roadtrip ;)
Rotten Tomatoes (90%) | Netflix
Pairs well with Cement Mixer
Much better UFC movie than you would expect from the trailers and promotion. Give this one a chance especially if you like fighting movies. Has outstanding performances from both Hardy and Joel Edgerton.
Rotten Tomatoes (83%) | Pirate Bay
Pairs well with TBI
Again a whole movie on the shoulders of his acting. This is about a famous British prison inmate known for the most violent and numerous incidents in prison history. Enjoy.
Rotten Tomatoes (76%) | Netflix
Pairs well with Pimms
Arizona 2050