Stoner Movies

There’s a time, a place, and a headspace for these movies. If anything, as pot becomes more mainstream, these films will be a snapshot of a sub-culture on the way out. Let us never forget that some of our greatest philosophical and political minds (John Stewart and Redman) were here before it was acceptable or legal.


How High

This movie is amazing in its simplicity. You know immediately which characters ‘get it’ and who don’t. GET EM!

“Silas P. Silas: Got blunt?

Jamal King: Got weed?”

—Queue rising action.—

Rotten Tomatoes (26%) | Pirate Bay

Pairs well with Crimson Chronic


Pootie Tang

Written and directed by Louis C.K.

“And it’s been circulating and killing ever since… Just like Pootie Tang” - Scary Movie 3

Rotten Tomatoes (29%) | ???

Pairs well with Sa da tay


Smiley Face

One of my favorite stoner movies with Anna Farris. She eats one too many edibles and has to tackle a bunch of important tasks under the influence. This off the beaten path movie really captures the struggle of accidental intoxication.

Rotten Tomatoes (66%) | Pirate Bay

Pairs well with cupcake vodka

Bonus: Scary Movie 3 - The best and weirdest scary movie. 3-Mile parody, philosophical debates (“how can you wake up dead if you went to bed alive”), Charlie Sheen, it has it all. Rotten Tomatoes (35%).


Half Baked

So many smart people in this movie wish they didn’t do it :) soooo good though

Rotten Tomatoes (29%) | Netflix

Pairs well with Mr. Nice Guy

Bonus: All the Friday Movies - “I know you don’t smoke weed, I know this; but I’m gonna get you high today, ’cause it’s Friday; you ain’t got no job… and you ain’t got shit to do." - Rotten Tomatoes (76%)


The Interview

While not a traditional stoner movie this Seth Rogan feature is pretty mediocre… “But have you tried it ON WEEEED” - JS for prez 2028. I have recently come to love this movie and crack up at each LOTR reference and stupid side comment. The energy between all the characters is amazing. Few people feel this way about this movie but I can’t not put this on the list. Its like a Will Farrell movie that just gets better with time.

Rotten Tomatoes (51%) | Netflix

Pairs well with Revolution Brewing