
Face it you bloody yanks, soccer is the most beloved sport in the world, and why in this category we have some of the best sports documentaries. If you love the game too, I suggest you watch them all. Otherwise stick to the first three docs which are truly heart-wrenching and worth it for non-fans.


Nossa Chape

This doc really got me right in the feels. Its about one of the most tragic events in Brazilian soccer history and the aftermath. Its better to go into this without looking anything up and just watch it.

Rotten Tomatoes (92%) | Hulu

Pairs well with Cachaça with a salted rim


The Two Escobars

The life of a Colombian soccer superstar becomes intertwined with the world’s most infamous drug lord… And it’s world cup time. This documentary manages to be both grand in scale and intimate as it follows the characters throughout the story. You’ll learn something and feel something about a crazy time in Colombia.

Rotten Tomatoes (85%) | Pirate Bay

Pairs well with Bang Bang


Next Goal Wins

Heartwarming doc about the American Samoas International soccer team on their quest to score their first goal ever. It has a great cast of characters and touching moments that makes this more than just a sports doc.

Rotten Tomatoes (100%) | Vimeo

Pairs well with Holland Gin


Shaolin Soccer

What to say about this glorious popcorn flick… It is part slapstick karate movie, part underdog tale. What if a team of washed up karate masters got together to win the cup against Team Evil (the actual name). This is by the same director as Kung Fu Hustle so if you like that you’ll like this as well.

Rotten Tomatoes (90%) this shocked me | Netflix

Pairs well with Canned Tsingtao


Mean Machine

I loved this movie as a kid so its going on this list. This is a total cheeseball ripoff of The Longest Yard with Jason Statham and other Guy Ritchie guys. Probably not everyones cup of tea but a good stupid fun time.

Rotten Tomatoes (34%) | Pirate Bay

Pairs well with Buckfast

Bonus TV Series: Sunderland Til’ I Die - If you ever wanted to understand the passion and heartbreak that english football fans feels on a weekly basis this is the docu-series you want to see. It’ll make a fan out of you too. Netflix

Bonus TV Series!!! Class of 92: Out of Their League (2015->) - Hard to find a place to watch it but this BBC series follows Manchester United greats as they buy a low tier english soccer team Salford and try to get them to the Premier league. Endlessly entertaining if your a football fan and even more if you like Giggsy, Scholes, and the Neville brothers.