Films I’ve seen recently—that new new

This is stuff that I have seen and loved since creating the original MAW list. Think of it as a time machine stretching from the present to 5/3/2017 when this list began with three entries into an Evernote note… Ill try to be picky so these should be great. The top is the most recent films I have seen.



There is so much I could say about this movie. It somehow captures so much about life and the human experience: the routine, the connections we build, daily frustrations, impermanence, absurdity, history, legacy, and those random special moments that only mean something to you. The things we hold inside. Slow paced and yet packed full of moments of life and insight. Both fantastical and mundane.

Rotten Tomatoes (96%) | Amazon Prime

Pairs well with tea and sober introspection