If you ain't first, you're last
Here is a small collection of the best movies that star cars. From Bullit to Nightrider, America loves a mechanical lead who runs on horsepower over brainpower. Below are my favorites. Another quote from Talledega Nights, “I'm too drunk to taste this chicken.”
Gone in 60 Seconds
Nick cage as Memphis Raines, a reluctant badass, good brother, and Angelina Jolies ex. Don’t forget the real star— a 1969 ‘Elenor’ mustang, a partially fabricated but undeniably sexy car with a NOS button. The plot involves the theft of hundreds of cars in 48 hours with a crazy cast of characters. And another nick cage movie makes the list… By the way this is so much better than the RT score.
Rotten Tomatoes (25%) | Pirate Bay
Pairs well with Mint Julep
Unlike anything I’ve seen. It’s smart, slow-simmering, and subtle in the way it plays with genre conventions and then when it finally gets going 2/3 of the way through. Then its a murderous and bloody thrill ride til the end. Also an incredible soundtrack worth downloading.
Rotten Tomatoes (92%) | Netflix
Pairs well with Sidecar
One of my favorite documentaries or movies in general of all time. It stars the coolest F1 racer ever and my favorite car brand. Sometimes real life bests fiction and this is one of those examples.
Rotten Tomatoes (92%) | Netflix
Pairs well with Flat Tire
Bonus: Rush - The actors in this speed-fueled F1 film seem to mirror the personalities of the two racers in Senna. Its not a perfect movie but its a good time for sure. Rotten Tomatoes (89%)
Mad Max Series
Yes series. The first 3 films in the Mad Max universe are actually directed by the same guy who did the new Fury Road movie. A movie so good that I watch it once a year around my bday with some nice scotch and a steak. The other movies, who unfortunately helped catapult Mel Gibson into superstardom, and incredible too. Who knows, with global warming going at the pace it is, these could be seen as future survival manuals.
Mad Max - Rotten Tomatoes (90%)
Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior - Rotten Tomatoes (98%)
Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome - Rotten Tomatoes (80%
“Where must we go, we who wander this wasteland, in search of our better selves?” - The First History Man
All the Fast and the Furious movies
Must be mentioned because they are all fan-fucking-tastic each in their own way, especially tokyo drift.