Cerebral (@)
Time travel/paradox/memory movies (kind of a catchall for some of my favorite types of movies). Expect unreliable narrators, spatial-temporal discontinuity, and multiple twists. Think Memento, Se7en, Fight Club, Inception. These types of films are generally popular, so ill try to stick with the lesser known ones.
Bonus: Truman Show - This is worth rewatching. One of the best movies of that decade. Rotten Tomatoes (94%)
Bonus: PI - Another Daron Aronofsky movie that is so crazy to watch. I definitely recommend this is you liked Requiem for a Dream. Rotten Tomatoes (88%)
Bonus: Enter the Void - Many will not have the stomach for this film. It is bizarre and way over the top but basically follows a guy into a DMT trip, his death, and eventual reincarnation. But seriously this movie is so nasty so fair warning and DO NOT watch it on a plane. Rotten Tomatoes (71%)