Jackie Karate Films
I absolutely love Jackie Chan. I think he is one of the greatest comedic action stars of all time and a badasses. There is always something so compelling about him on screen doing his frantic style of stunts. Check out Jackie Chan’s crazy list of injuries from doing ALL his own stunts until recent years. He’s a god damn legend, able to climb to the top of his profession and stay there for over 3 decades, becoming universally loved from east to west. IF you want the full experience, watch them in order.
Snake in the Eagle’s Shadow
Great starter Jackie Chan movie with some good supporting characters and solid fight scenes. In some ways this feels like a prequel to the prequel of Drunken master and features some of the best characters from that world. He also kicks a white priests ass who looks like Jesus.
Rotten Tomatoes (82%) | Pirate Bay
Pairs well with APA
The Young Master
I believe this is the (unofficial?) prequel to the drunken master series as it came out two years after. Definitely worth a watch if you’re a fan of those two. He finishes off the movie getting wasted and kicking some major ass.
Rotten Tomatoes (78%) | Pirate Bay
Pairs well with Shaoxing wine
Drunken Master
What more can I say. This is one of the greatest martial arts movies of all time and features a character who gets better as he drinks. Bonus: try and keep up with him.
Rotten Tomatoes (82%) | Pirate Bay
Pairs well with a barrel of rice wine
The Legend of the Drunken Master
The scene in the forge is unforgettable. This is a must watch for karate fans and a good place to start if you’re not sure if this is your thing.
Rotten Tomatoes (83%) | Netflix
Pairs well with Motor Oil
Police Story
Great action movie, solid plot twists for a karate movie with the addition of real stunts by Jackie and one of the craziest car chases. Fast and the furious wasnt the first movie to drive/surf through a bunch of favelas. This was a MEGA blockbuster hit in China. Its basically their Beverly Hills Cop.
Rotten Tomatoes (90%) | Pirate Bay
Pairs well with Kamikaze Shots?
Police Story 3 (Supercop)
This movie is too much fun. Jackie Chan takes on a drug lord with his female partner and the action never lets up. This is one of his best movies showcasing all of his crazy death-defying stunts. Much better than the later Beverly Hills Cop movies… Don’t pass this up!
Rotten Tomatoes (96%) | Netflix
Pairs well with Fireball
Bonus: Crime Story - Rotten Tomatoes (94%) - Dark and gritty cop film with the Jackie Chan x-factor
Classics for the uninitiated
Shanghai Noon, Rush Hour 1 and 2
Bonus: Owen Wilson Page!
Double Bonus: Kung Fu Hustle - Super Stylized and totally insane. This is a cult classic. Rotten Tomatoes (90%)
Triple Bonus: Hard-Boiled - Not for everyone. A very specific type of Chinese shoot-em-up but its very entertaining. Drink every time Johnny Woo should have had to reload but doesn’t. Rotten Tomatoes (94%)
The Rare Quadroople Bonus: The Raid Series - If you liked the first one you will like em all. They get progressively more bloody but the crazy martial arts grows on you over time. Rotten Tomatoes (86%)
Johnnnnnny Wooooo