Quirky Comedies
These are great movies to watch whenever! They are not exactly obscure but if you haven’t seen every movie on this list you are doing yourself a huge disservice. Grab popcorn and friends and get to it.
Raising Arizona
Coen Brothers. Possibly the greatest movie of all time and obviously Nick Cages best. The dialogue gets better with each viewing and is ridiculously quotable. This is kind of like a sputtering trailer park heist movie with a lot of heart + dog the bounty hunter from hell as the villain. MUST WATCH
Rotten Tomatoes (91%) | Pirate Bay
Pairs well with six-pack from the gas station
Little Miss Sunshine
Quirky, authentic, and chock full of feel-goodery. There is no reason not to give this a try. This is a universally loved movie that you must seen. Bonus if you are a VW Bus fan. This is on MAW twice!
Rotten Tomatoes (91%) | Pirate Bay
Pairs well with Tequila Sunrise
Life Aquatic
Almost my favorite movie ever but also one of the worst reviewed Wes Anderson films… Clearly not for everyone. its a andersonian ride with Murray in the drivers seat and Owen Wilson sitting shotgun. Whats not to love. I think its purpose is to make fun of movies that take themselves too seriously. No matter what its an enjoyable adventure.
Rotten Tomatoes (56%) | Netflix
Pairs well with a U-Boat
What We Do In The Shadows
Flight of the concords guys create the funniest vampire movies out there.
“Vampire 1: I think we drink virgin blood because it sounds cool.
Vampire 2: I think of it like this. If you are going to eat a sandwich, you would just enjoy it more if you knew no one had fucked it."
Rotten Tomatoes (96%) | Pirate Bay
Pairs well with Bloody Mary
Blues Brothers
Hopefully someone has made you watch this movie before… but it is hard to define if you haven’t seen it. Part musical, part action movie, 100% hilarious. Some of the greatest cameos in movies featuring Ray Charles, James Brown, Aretha Franklin, Carrie Fischer with a bazooka in her hands, and many more. Also another Chicago-porn movie. Its a classic.
Rotten Tomatoes (83%) | Pirate Bay
Pairs well with $300 of Olympia Beer
School of Rock
Everyone’s seen it but it has to be on this list. Ive seen it probably 15 times on TV and each time it gets better each time. Im sick with stick-it-to-the-maneosis.
Rotten Tomatoes (91%) | Pirate Bay
Pairs well with an ice cold pint
Bonus: Airplane, Naked Gun - Old goofy comedies with Leslie Nielsen. Rotten Tomatoes (97%), Rotten Tomatoes (87%)