Philosophical Movies
A little bit of entertainment, a little bit of philosophy 101. This will be a divided category because these films are either come across as fun for some or too pretentious for others. I would start elsewhere if you are new to MAW.
I Heart Huckabees
This used to be one of my sisters favorite movies and it bored me to death but now I love it (and I think she hates it now?). Its a comedic romp through philosophical ideologies with a likable and star powered cast of characters. Jason Swartzman, Dustin Hoffman, Jude Law, Lily Tomlin and Markey Mark make this fun. I think Jonah Hill is in it too?
Rotten Tomatoes (63%) | Pirate Bay
Pairs well with something you can swirl
Bonus: Being John Malkovich - Weird Movie. Do you want to be in John Malkovich’s head? Rotten Tomatoes (93%)
Waking Life
Hell of a ride - kind of like taking acid and reading a philosophy textbook.
Rotten Tomatoes (80%) | Netflix
Pairs well with Hunter S. Thomson Special
Bonus: A Scanner Darkly - Trippy, gripping thriller with an incredible cast. Rotten Tomatoes (67%)