A Little Bit of Everything

Glad you made it to the non-specific category. In this collection you will find some of my absolute favorites in no specific order what so ever. The one unifying factor of these movies is they offer more than the genre that they are in. These out-of-the-box movies I just keep coming back to.



Love story with a twist directed by Spike Jonze starring Joaquin Phoenix. I think this is the most accurate (maybe idilic) and subtle depiction of the near future I’ve ever seen. He makes a relationship with the disembodied voice of Scarlet Johanson seem more real and compelling than any rom-com in recent memory. How do you go from jackass to this movie to bad grampa? Great date movie.

Rotten Tomatoes (94%) | Netflix

Pairs well with Chardonnay for two



Just a wholesome pleasure to watch. Im sure this director has more gems but this is all I’ve seen. All his films take place in Nebraska and this film has authentic dialogue and characters that are engaging. Its sort of like a commonplace, self-contained family adventure. Just a day in Nebraska. Don’t let the black and white turn you off, this movie is great + Will Forte and Bob Odenkirk

Rotten Tomatoes (90%) | Pirate Bay

Pairs well with Budweiser


The Place Beyond the Pines

Its rare for a movie to treat its stars the way this movie does. Very unexpected plot twists with a dynamite cast including Ryan Gosling, Bradley cooper and Eva Mendez.

Rotten Tomatoes (79%) | Netflix

Pairs well with Bold Cabernet


Good Time

Robert Pattenson is actually not a shitty actor! This move will keep you on the knife’s edge for 100min and leave you shell shocked in the end. There are drivers in life and then there are passengers, and sometimes a driver leaves scorched earth behind them. This movie also has an excellent first and last scene. A totally unique thrill.

Rotten Tomatoes (91%) | Pirate Bay

Pairs well with a 40 in a paper bag


Dave Chappelle’s Block Party

This is one of my favorite movies of all time. This is as close as we’ll ever get to hanging out with Dave. His personality comes through so clearly as he sets up one of the most epic concerts of all time. This is worth seeing just for the broken angel house couple he discovers halfway through. Shoutout to yellow springs, Ohio!

Rotten Tomatoes (92%) | Support your local Dave

Pairs well with Concord Crush

Bonus: The Last Waltz - Kind of embarrassed to admit this but this was my introduction to ‘The Band’. This is a stylized viewing of one of the best concerts of all time feature a stacked lineup of stars. Rotten Tomatoes (98%)



One of the more unique, fantastical rom-coms out there that won’t make you gag! Great date movie.

Rotten Tomatoes (89%) | Netflix

Pairs well with Champagne from Champagne



Must see and greatest example of film noire. This is also my favorite Jack Nicholson movie and shows him in his prime. It also has some awesome tricks a private eye would use in the 70s to break a case.

"Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown.”

Rotten Tomatoes (98%) | Pirate Bay

Pairs well with Pinot Noir

Bonus: L.A. Confidential - Russel Crowe, Kevin Spacey, Guy Pearce in 50s LA. Oozes cool. Rotten Tomatoes (99%)


City of God

Unbelievable acting from a group of unknown kids contributes to one of the most devastating and affecting journeys on film. Taking place in the slums of brazil, City of God follows a group of kids as they grow up and try to make a life for themselves. Everyone who sees this loves it.

Rotten Tomatoes (91%) | Netflix

Pairs well with Rum and Coke


American History X

A great movie to watch today with the resurgence of public white nationalism. This movie is brutal and unflinching but its message rings true. Hate and destruction begets more hate and destruction. Ed Norton has maybe his best performance.

Rotten Tomatoes (83%) | Pirate Bay

Pairs well with Lager in a stein


Take Shelter

Michael Shannon is an absolute BEAST in this movie. Take Shelter keeps you on your toes and creates an enveloping feeling of impending doom. You don’t know who to trust throughout the movie but you know in the end everything will not be ok…

Rotten Tomatoes (92%) | Pirate Bay

Pairs well with Clusterfuck


Tucker and Dale vs. Evil

This movie is all about flipping the perspective of your traditional lake/cabin horror movie. Dale and Tucker are just trying to have a good fishing weekend, "minding our own business, just doing chores around the house, when kids started killing themselves all over my property.” Hilarious, gory and very meta. Mostly comedy with a dash of horror, this is a fun one!

Rotten Tomatoes (84%) | Netflix

Pairs well with 30 rack of PBR


Gangs of New York

I could have an entire page dedicated to Daniel Day-Lewis… He is so electric in this movie you can’t look away. It also gives a perspective of NYC (1840s) that I’ve never seen in a movie before. It is a brutal, bloody ride and despite the not stellar reviews, I love every moment of it.

Rotten Tomatoes (74%) | Netflix

Pairs well with well whisky