Dystopian and Space movies
I have a lot more to add to this category but here are a few you may not have seen yet.
Children of Men
Probably my favorite dystopian film of all time. Clive Owen is incredible and with the world what it is today the futuristic plot and universe they create doesn’t seems far off. Also a great Michael Caine performance. Gripping, thought provoking, and offering continuous unexpected thrills. Some of the best long shots in modern movies.
Rotten Tomatoes (92%) | Netflix
Pairs well with cheap beer, bud, and Quietus
District 9
Great allusion to the apartheid using a crash landed alien race living in a township. Director is South African and includes cameos from Die Antwoord. This movie is action packed with some great CGI but will make you think as well. Great SA accents too.
Rotten Tomatoes (90%) | Netflix
Pairs well with Pinotage
12 Monkeys
This is more well known but still underwatched in my opinion. This is a wild ride with Bruce Willis and Brad Pitt and a million plot twists. I think they are making into a TV show so its worth checking out now. Also, its worth reading some explanations online after viewing.
Rotten Tomatoes (89%) | Pirate Bay
Pairs well with Amber Ale
Slow paced, thoughtful, sci-fi film about a isolated astronaut mining gas who may not have complete control of his mind or the mission. Kevin Spacey shows up too.
Rotten Tomatoes (90%) | Netflix
Pairs well with Dark Side of the Moon
Bonus: The Road - Really dark but faithful adaption of one of my favorite books. Rotten Tomatoes (73%)
Double Bonus: Escape from New York - Such a fun classic if you’re in the right mood. Rotten Tomatoes (87%)
Triple Bonus: Idiocracy - This is a dystopian comedy that doesn’t take itself too seriously and has a good cast. Also, it keeps accurately predicting the future to a scary degree so maybe its worth watching to prepare for the worst. Also, also, Terry Crews!!! Rotten Tomatoes (76%)