A common frustration for young folks these days is the inability to find anything good to watch. With millions of options available at your finger tips, you inevitably give up and put on another episode of Parks and Rec, restarting the binge cycle. This website was made to break this cycle. Each category follows a loose theme and offers up a few great but largely overlooked movies. I hope it provides something for each mood and personality type. Also, This site is a kind an homage to the good old days of Web 1.0. Hope you enjoy exploring the easter eggs and have a great movie night!
So a little more about why I specifically made this website. I’ve watched a unhealthy amount of obscure movies—good and bad—over the many, many years I’ve been on this earth. Old school rotten tomatoes was my bible and I studied it religiously. I have also promised countless friends and family a movie list over the years. The result? This website. A collection of accessible, enjoyable, often-missed movies created to salvage something from the countless hours spent in front of a screen.
I apologize in advance for the extensive Jackie Chan section. Hit me up if you have suggestions yourself!
If you recognize a movie you like, the films around it (especially the Bonus ones) will be great places to start. Each movie has a link to the Rotten Tomatoes page and a (hopefully) working link of where to watch. Go explore, grab your drink of choice—or take my suggestions—and sit back, relax and enjoy!